Southern California - Inland Empire - San Bernardino
Robotics and Technology Club
Skills, Technologies, Disciplines Within Robotics
This list shows skill areas you will meet, learn, and master as you build your unique set of robots through your hobby and professional robotics career!
Project management
Chassis design, structural engineering, precise measurements
Inverse kinetics for robotic movement
Effectors and other "hands" for robots
Weight distribution and traction for racing robots
paint, artwork, the "cosmetic" effects on human-like or android robots
Materials engineering, plastics, acrylics, aluminum, fiberboard
3D design and CAD software, parametric drafting
3D Printing
Adhesives and gluing
Fasteners; standard and metric measurements
Milling and CNC
Analog and digital electronics, Ohm's law and theory
Multimeters and other electronic test tools
Electric battery charging and maintenance
Software development, especially in C, C++ and Python
state machines, interrupts, sensor input integration
real-time systems, libraries, algorithms
Machine learning, neural networks, and artificial intelligence - as applicable to robots
When to use a microprocessor versus a microcontroller
Servos and PWM control
DC motor controllers and design
Brushed and brushless electric motors
Linux and other operating systems
Bluetooth, WiFi, I2C, TCP/IP and networking; system integration
Cloud AI systems: Google's Tensorflow, Amazon's AWS, and Microsoft's Azure AI and Connect();
Developing Android phone apps for robot remote control
Processor capacity planning: how to select the best one(s) for the robot
Sensor technologies, IR, ultrasonic, LIDAR, switches and others
Voice recognition and text-to-speech
Video image recognition and image processing
Circuit design; circuit board design and production
Working well with others and presenting your robot projects!